Senin, 19 November 2018

Ebook , by Joe Dispenza

Posted by Kamouraska on November 19, 2018 with No comments

Ebook , by Joe Dispenza

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, by Joe Dispenza

, by Joe Dispenza

, by Joe Dispenza

Ebook , by Joe Dispenza

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, by Joe Dispenza

Product details

File Size: 1843 KB

Print Length: 370 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1848508565

Publisher: Hay House Inc. (February 15, 2012)

Publication Date: February 15, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#5,564 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I was enjoying this book until he references a satirical scientific study in all seriousness on page 18 to argue that prayer or beliefs can impact the past. After 2 minutes of googling I fact checked and the entire study was satire.How am I supposed to trust an author who uses bogus studies and who’s editors don’t fact-check him before his works are published? How am I supposed to finish this book when I’ve now discovered this glaring error in obvious fake science and flawed methodology?

Dr. Joe Dispenza's first book, Evolve Your Brain, was in my opinion, a fantastic book, yes it was a bit heavy in some parts, but I loved the science in it. Obviously, off course, some people simply skipped to page 381, to skip the "science stuff" and read the chapter starting on that page "The Art and Science of Mental Rehearsal". "Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself" raises the bar completely, with now the "How To" companion in easy to follow steps to be comprehended and practiced. The book was also a very easy to read, straight to the point, with fantastic images to compliment nicely the information conveyed, in almost every chapter to understand more of Dr. Joe's message.This is a book I could not put down. I am now up to doing the Induction Step of the Meditation, and I quickly rushed to Dr. Joe's website to purchase the audio materials for the meditation. The book has been divided into 3 parts, I have written my notes on each chapter as follows:PART I - THE SCIENCE OF YOUChapter 1: The Quantum You:-You and the world are made up of energy and matter.-If you look at the body, including the brain, at the cellular level you have: Tissues > Cells > Molecules > Atoms > Subatomic Particles > Energy.-Your thoughts have an effect on the Quantum Field.-We are in control of our past, present, and future.-When we focus on a thought. Single--mindedly, we make it more real than anything else. We are experiencing the thought beyond the physical realm.-We can create our future.Chapter 2: Overcoming Your Environment:-The environment causes us to think. Familiar places, things, people and circumstances fire a set of circuits which cause the brain to think in certain ways (an external stimulus is causing us to think).-If the environment causes us to think, firing the same circuits over and over, the circuits become hardwired and part of our being.-"Nerve cells that fire together wire together" - Hebbs Law-To change then is to think greater than the environment and any external stimulus.-Mental Rehearsal plays a major role in building new neuron networks in the brain.Chapter 3: Overcoming Your Body-Every time you have a thought you make a chemical.-If you think the way you feel, and feel the way you think, over and over, you create a state of being.-Positive thoughts alone will not work to change this.-The environment pushes genes in our bodies, which cause stress, disease, or happiness and joy.-If you ever forget to remember a phone number, you pick up the phone and you just put your fingers on the buttons, and suddenly your body knows better then your brain.-To change is to pull the mind out of the body and put it back in the brain.-To change is to think greater than how you feel.-Mental Rehearsal also contributes to changing the body physically and mentally.Chapter 4: Overcoming Time-We happen to live in the emotions we have memorized from the past.-We need to live in the present moment and focus on new emotions.-When we watch a movie, read a book, go on a long drive, etc - we lose track of time.-To change is to change the emotions we memorize, we need to move from a state of anger or jealousy to a state of thankfulness and gratitude.Chapter 5: Survival Vs Creation-Living in a state of survival creates stress, disease, and it activates the fight or flight nervous system.-To change is to be selfless, not selfish. Forget about: Time, Your Body, Your Environment.-True Creation is forgetting the "Big 3".1. Metacognition: Become self-aware, an observer.2. Create a new mind to think about new ways of being... asking questions like: What would it be like to... ?, What is a better way to be... ?, What if I was this person, living in this reality?, Who in history do I admire, what traits do they have I can resemble?3. Make thought more real than anything else is creation.PART II - YOUR BRAIN AND MEDITATIONChapter 6: Three Brains: Thinking To Doing To Being-We go from: Thinking (Neocortex) > Doing (Limbic Brain) > Being (Cerebellum)Emotions (in the limbic or mid brain) are the end products of experience.-If you wake up from meditation differently before you sat down before, you have changed. You feel different.-However, you must think and feel in harmony, you can not think one way and feel another way.-When you think and feel different, and once you do something and taking action consistently, you will eventually be that new person. You will be in a new state of being, which is wisdom.-A new state of being creates a new personality... A new personality produces a new personal reality.Chapter 7: The Gap-We only get our identity from other things, people and circumstances.Our cars, phones, jobs, etc make us feel good.-When we die, none of this exists... so where does true happiness come from?-Happiness must come from within, not from the outside world.-What we appear on the outside is different from what we really are.-We need to close the gap and start being happy inside - meditation will help with this.Chapter 8: Meditation, Demystifying The Mystical And Waves Of Your Future-Remind yourself who you no longer want to "be" until this becomes so familiar that you know your old self - thoughts, behaviours and emotions connected to the old you that you want to change - to the extent that you unfire and unwire the old mind away and no longer signal the same genes in the same ways.-Then repeatedly contemplate who you want to "be".-This will fire and wire new levels of mind. Eventually this will become second nature, and that is change.PART III - STEPPING TOWARD YOUR NEW DESTINYThis particular part goes into Chapter 9: The Meditative Process: Introduction and Preparation - which explains all the tools you need to prepare you for the meditation. The chapters that follow after, are all the steps clearly explained for your meditation journey.Part III is the "how to do it" part of the book - with fantastic ways and variations to do the meditation. If I was asked today what would be the only book I could recommend for creating change in our lives and breaking old habits and routines, I would answer "Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself - By Dr. Joe Dispenza".Update 13/10/2012: To compliment this book in terms of also breaking habit's, I highly recommend the book "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business" which can be purchased here on Amazon!Update 17/07/2014: I'm still using the techniques in this book and is still very effective. Check out Dr Joe's new book "You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter" As that book focuses on changing illness/beliefs while this is more habit based changes, per just my opinion.

I'm in love with Joe Dispenza and the way he makes the "brain science" sound understandable to this VERY DECIDEDLY non-science-minded reader. For a number of years I've been working on improving my own life's circumstances and learning about the stuff like "Law of Attraction," meditation, and the like. While I understand certain things intellectually, "something" had been missing, and it was driving me nuts, because I wasn't seen the kinds of results that I thought I should by now.I came upon this book quite by accident (or not... depending on how you look at things like this!). I had to have it, and completely absorbed myself in it. Since reading the book, I've also purchased his meditations. I'm feeling a lot better about myself in general, and while I haven't had a truly earth-shattering experience as a result (well, it HAS only been a month or so), I can tell you that a few "uncanny" things HAVE happened. Coincidences? I don't believe so, because I am working through his steps without missing a single one. I'm taking this journey very seriously...In the last 2 weeks alone, since really getting down with the meditations and taking a lot of time to practice with them, I really have felt a "shift" in how I feel emotionally. The things that Dr. Joe talks about make a lot of sense. It would appear, if my understanding of his words is correct, that I've been "blocking" good results from happening to me in my life because I had spent years and years of allowing my body to have absorbed my negative emotions at a cellular level, since any time we have a thought it sends physical signals to various cells (neuro transmitters, etc).So, after a while, the cells kind of rule the mind instead of mind ruling the body (simplistic, but I'm not going to be able to summarize my understanding fully).After a few weeks of journal exercises and then the meditations, there has been a considerable "lightness of being" I've begun to feel.Then, a few oddball "coincidences" happened - all positive! There have been subtle, yet noticeable shifts in my life that couldn't possibly have occurred by accident. In one instance just last week, there was a completely unexpected shift that fully relates to a specific goal I have been working on, where a "way" was opened up to me to make more rapid progress toward that goal. It was honestly nothing that I could have possibly planned for, because that "way" was nothing I had ever considered.My feelings of "ancestral guilt" are disappearing in that I no longer am feeling like I have to suffer for any reason whatsoever. I grew up in a family where a day without feeling some type of guilt was like a day without sunshine - except that too much sunshine would be tough to enjoy because some people don't HAVE sunshine...and then the sunshine that we DO have is bound to disappear... if you understand what I mean. :)I wish I could better articulate the positive effects that Dr. Joe's work are having on me. I can only say that for me, this understanding of how the brain and our thoughts PHYSICALLY affect our lives appears - at least to me - to be a key component to my own success. Dr. Joe does not get spiritual or "touchy-feely" in this book like some other modern teachers tend to come across to me. It just makes sense, and when I couple what I've learned from Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself with other, more spiritual teachings, I can see how it all comes together.Anyway, sorry for rambling on so long. I love the book. But you probably already figured that out. :)

A life changing book by a life changing teacher! If you are interested in the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, why not check out some of his stuff on youtube first? If, after hearing some of his speeches online, you are ready to step into the life of your dreams, you have to examine the thoughts you've been thinking. And more importantly, you have to change the thoughts that do not serve you. That's what this book is about. How to do that. It sounds so simple but really, it takes a great force of will and mental concentration but it so so incredibly worth it!For our family, Dr. Joe's teachings have literally changed our lives for the better. I have healed a chronic condition for which I had to take pills daily after learning Dr. Joe's teaching and following his exercises. My husband has an autoimmune condition that has also improved dramatically (and we literally have the independent third party medical test results from our doctors to prove it). When we told our doctors what we had done, they both said "well, just keep doing what you're doing". We plan on it!I do not work for Dr. Joe or know him personally, but I'm so grateful that we found his teachings and that his way of communicating spoke to us effectively enough to help us improve our lives.

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